Browsing the archives for the florida tag

This week’s hurricane brought to you by…

Living in the Tampa Bay area you learn that it has been over 100 years since we’ve been hit with a major hurricane. We’ve had a few close calls. Hurricane Charley in 2004 was aimed straight at Tampa Bay until it turned slightly east and hammered Fort Myers. There have been other close calls. Everyone […]

Midnight Ride

I drove across the state on a lark back in June, trying to catch a launch of the space shuttle. It didn’t go. Since I’d gotten my hopes up, I kept trying every time NASA had a launch scheduled when I could make it to the east coast. I spent an entire weekend waiting through […]


This is how spoiled I am: While at work, I sit in front of a huge 8th floor office window (basically the entire wall is a window) that looks out over the Saint Petersburg yacht basin, Straub Park, and Tampa Bay. Eight floors above me, the building has my bank’s name on it, and if […]

No-Go For Launch

I’ve set a personal record of a sort.  I’ve gone through an entire year without visiting the east coast of Florida before, but now I’ve managed to drive over there 4 times in the space of a single month.  I’ve never made so many cross-state trips in such a short timeframe. One trip was to […]

Late-night adventures

“Hey, want to go watch the space shuttle launch?” This question usually leads to some sort of goofy adventure, and very rarely results in actually witnessing a shuttle launch. With the shuttle program slowly drawing to a close (only 8 remaining launches are scheduled) I figured I’d head over to the Cape to catch a […]