I’m Great, Thanks For Asking

A quick note,

To the person who told me I’d end up in jail.
To the person who told me I’d always be a loser.
To the person who held a shotgun to my head.
To the person who told me I was irredeemably selfish.
To the person who told me that I would just have to accept that I wasn’t going to go any further.
To every person that told me I had no value.

I’m still here. I’m doing well. I’ve been able to boost other people along the way.

Maybe that all comes crashing down tomorrow. No success lasts forever. I just know that I’ve gone further than I thought I would, and I’ve gone further than you said I could.

Maybe at some point you had to reap what you’ve sown. Maybe you were successful at leaving that burden for others in your wake. Just know that it didn’t take root in me.

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